Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Regina is not an inspiring speaker but her guests can be

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Friday, September 27, 2024

Sarah Palin Bikini photos with gun

 has an expression that screams "hello sailor... looking for some fun???"

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Courage Tour backs DJT

If there was ever a reason to NOT go evangelical, this is it.

As if project 2025 wasn't enough...

The truest and worst

 "You can tell it's the start of the school season because the shootings have started"

Not sure who said this but it made my blood run cold.

Immediately after reading this I see MTG commercials with major guns. Lofting an assault rifle she says "I Like This One" Go shoot yourself with it MTG.

Name one thing smarter than MTG... how bout planeria

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Nazi Bitches

 In 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation in the state banning books in schools that included any kind of sexually explicit material. The decision was driven by complaints from groups like Moms for Liberty.

Moms for Liberty, horrid old Nazi Twats. Lying doucheboats, you are obviously not about liberty at all, you just want to tell others what to do and think... news flash, this country was founded by rebels, you sad sacks will have next to no effect.

So have your little get togethers, drink your drinks and bemoan the lack of anyone thinking you matter.

His Rights


Former President Donald Trump has waived his right to be present at his arraignment in his new federal election interference case.

Waived his right is it? Fucker should be marched in shackles.


Only What Fucker Carlson deserves

 Liberals and conservatives alike have turned on Tucker Carlson after controversial podcaster and self-proclaimed historian Darryl Cooper claimed on Carlson’s show that “millions of people ended up dead” in Nazi concentration camps.

Not ended up dead, systematically murdered, slaughtered in fact. Cooper is a moron... a perfect fit for Carlson's show!

and there they gooooo

 With the flip of so many DJT cronies and adherents, his prospects are dim.

Worries about the economy take the foreground of the national stage and I can think of only one thing that would tank the economy in one stroke... that being any hint of a credible chance of DJT taking the election. Emphasis on credible. MAGA zombies do not count, in fact it is questionable that any of the actually can count, depends on how many appendages they have.

OH! and somebody get that steaming pile of dogshit out of the cemetery

Friday, August 23, 2024

Self Inflicted Murder

 In the news:


Arizona man arrested after threatening to kill Trump, sheriff's office says

How stupid can you get...

Why kill him? It's much more entertaining watching Trump murder himself every time he opens his mouth. Watching his support back away from him like the plague spot he is makes me laugh.

Monday, July 15, 2024


 Trump wallowing in the adulation at the RNC is as nauseating as it is expected. WHAT? Like he actually DID anything?

I expect that he left the stage and masturbated….after both the rally and the RNC.

Direct line of sight 'should not occur,' Mayorkas says

 I have no actual intention to trivialize the attempted assassination of Donald Trump....

OK, I am lying

Mayorkas's statement about no direct line of sight made me think I would be thankful if I never had ANY line of sight to Donald Trump.  

Even better (but admittedly unrealistic) if there was no direct or indirect line of communication from the buffoon at all.

You know that the greatest hurdle to safeguarding that idiot is that idiot himself, stupid fuck is going to do whatever it wants and is going to get trashed sooner or later...guess which I would prefer.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

No Place in America

 After the shooting at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania, politicians of all stripes decry the incident with phrases such as “…there is no place in America for this kind of violence”; “I am horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and... Political violence has no place in our country...” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. 

No place in America eh?  Horrified are you eh?  Political violence has no place in our country eh? 

Tell it to Trump MAGAmaniacs and their cult of violence who advocate change by murder on a daily basis.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Own it and Be Known by it

 Trump demands Biden remove ad of Trump denigrating dead soldiers as “suckers” and “losers…

Trump, if it pops up in your vacuous head and falls out of your mouth you gotta own it….and be known by it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tic-Toc Irony

'Amber' has posted a rant about how, as Americans, we have taken all the 'naturally occurring' things out of life by monetizing them. Things such as exercise, which we used to get in community sports or other activities or talking with people which we used to get in casual encounters at the market or having a chat with our neighbors over the backyard fence. Her point being that it all seems to be a money grab or so formalized that it loses all value.

While I take her point as it has some veracity; after all, cell phone zombies abound.

I was also struck with the irony of using the soul-less medium of Tic-Toc to point it out....

Yup, so he's guilty

~ Hunter Biden found guilty on all counts in gun case ~

So fkn what. 

  • Not a political telling point. 
  • Not an inside to a parental fitness public flogging. 
  • Certainly not a smoke screen to obscure other peoples criminal behavior. 
Do the crime, pay the price, stfu about it.

Friday, June 07, 2024

Winkie Driver

from BBC News:

 A driver's winking selfie that she had looked at on her phone moments before a fatal crash has been released by police.

Amber Potter is seen sticking out her tongue in a photo she had taken while behind the wheel of her moving car.

The 23-year-old of Livingstone Street, Norwich, was zooming in on the image when she ploughed into scooter rider David Sinar on the A11 in Norfolk in 2021.

Yeah Amber, practice that winkie on some of the folks in will be popular.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Yeah that will raise his popularity.....

 Post conviction of Donald Trump on multiple felony charges there has been a flood of media posts advocating violence against jurors, the judge, court officials and, honestly, just about anyone who isn't ready to suck it for Donald Trump.

Suggestions that the court system be used to redress and appeal the convictions has been met with ridicule by many, regarding the judicial system as irretrievably biased and corrupt.

With calls from his obviously bloodthirsty and murderous rabble advocating riots, hangings, public displays of butchery isn't it obvious what Donald Trump stands for? Isn't it obvious what Donald Trump would consider justice?

Fucking sick....

Friday, May 31, 2024

MTG! Say it ain't so...

 From Newsweek..."Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene vowed to unfollow any social media users who suggest supplanting Donald Trump at the upcoming Republican National Convention following his guilty verdict."...

...As though there is anyone stupid enough to want her as a friend...

Having the MTG following you is like being shadowed by a slavering, pox infected, pus-hound.


 So let's sum up:

1 - Trump channels his "grab 'em by the pussy" mode and fucks Stormy.

2 - This would look bad in the supposedly fake news (but if fake, why worry?) so...

3 - Pays the Stormy off and is found out anyway and worse yet uses campaign fund to pay her off.

In conclusion:

Obviously this is all rigged. Judge, jury, witnesses, mountain of evidence... all of it is, if you will pardon me, TRUMPED up.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


<exerpt from Reuters news story>

 "If it's an unfair election, I think it's going to be contested by either side."

"Rubio, now in his third term in the Senate, is considered a potential candidate to be named as Trump's vice presidential running mate."

Hmmm... What is meant by ~unfair~ 

    Historically, any election that Trump loses is "unfair".

    Rubio is considered a potential running mate for Trump in the 2024 elections.

Any guesses on what Rubio would say constitutes an "unfair" election

Then there is the statement about it being considered unfair regardless of who wins. 

I recall a great deal of disappointment when Trump won the 2016 elections... don't recall anyone raising a cry of unfair although there was, as always, consternation regarding the ruling of the electoral college.

IMPO the electoral college has the potential to make any election unfair because it can override the popular vote. This, by itself, can make my vote worthless.

I am struggling to retain some hope that the system of government by the people can prove out its worth. Most of my struggle is centered around my distrust of politicians