Wednesday, April 24, 2024


 Let us start with common sense.

Historically, enforcing pregnancy and birth has never worked.  For every woman held in isolation and used as a brood mare there are dozens with their own solutions to bearing an unwanted child.

The reasons for, and realities of, bearing children are tangled and subjective, like so many emotionally motivating issues.

A FACT: it is impossible to legislate morality.  The reason is simple... there is no absolute and universally accepted definition of what is moral.  Actions that are moral in one society may not be seen as moral in another. 

Then, let us address the gordian knot that is religion. 

Here in America we have freedom of religion, we have encoded it in our constitution. 

You have the right to believe what you will.  You do not have the right to force your beliefs on others. Convince them, yes; force them, no.

Laws forbidding abortion on religious or any other grounds are unconstitutional.     ( . )

As for Devine Judgement, I leave that to god. I am not Gods enforcer...